Archives for January 2021

Attracting Women with Non Verbal Communication

Attracting Women with Non Verbal Communication

There’s a huge misconception about socialization, non-verbal communication, and the attraction process. Since people first started analyzing the skill of interaction as an art or science, using concepts like neuro-linguistic programming and evolutionary psychology, there’s seemingly always been a camp of people who believe “what” you say is just as important as “how” you say it.

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Networking Tips for Successful Guys


Every guy has dreams; as it’s part of our masculine instinct to achieve forward momentum, obtain impossible goals, and climb to the top of the pyramid. However, most of us have problems realizing our full potential.

Most likely the thing that’s really holding you back is that your network of potential partners, supporters, friends and allies is too thin. To enhance your odds of success, it’s important to learn the networking tips of the masters.

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