In a future article, I will talk about some myths of the “friend zone”, and why it’s not necessarily THAT bad to be a woman’s “just a friend”, at least not as bad as a lot of dating coaches claim it is. Continue Reading
Get Out of Friend Zone – The Virtues of Lovers vs. Friends
Filed Under: Articles, Attraction, Masculinity, Problem Solving, Relationships, Self Development
On Sealing the Deal and Avoiding the Friend Zone
There’s a lot of reasons why guys tend to get friend-zoned, and it’s not always about what you think.Continue Reading
Filed Under: Articles, Attraction, Problem Solving, Relationships, Social Skills Tagged With: avoiding the friend zone, friend zone, sealing the deal
Am I Creepy? Five Signs You Are
There is no worse thing for a man to be called than “creepy”, because it’s a representation of just about everything we don’t want to be: anti-social, weird, a stalker, unattractive, and so forth. Unfortunately this word gets tossed around a LOT, especially by catty, immature girls—or guys who are trying to step on you.Continue Reading
Filed Under: Masculinity, Problem Solving, Social Skills Tagged With: am i creepy