The Seven Deadly Limiting Beliefs

The Seven Deadly Limiting Beliefs

The limiting belief is a term that has entered common vernacular. It is a belief that restricts one’s spirit and persists regardless of whether any evidence exists to support it. They are often creations of the negative subconscious, or they are the reinforced behaviors of a society with broken values. Nonetheless, we all have limiting beliefs that pry at our hopes and ambitions. These are the seven deadliest to beware of:

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Sexual Virtues: How to be Mysterious

how to be mysterious
I’ve spent considerable time in my life studying the characteristics of the 10% of men who have the greatest amount of sexual choice. The topic fascinates me because it’s like a segment of the population possess superpowers, elusive to the rest of us. These people rarely understand themselves, as they are born with inherent traits, unique to their personalities, and too evanescent to contain in a bottle and package for other people’s enjoyment.Continue Reading

How to be Authentic While Adapting Your Personality

mind changing
Wow, this is a big topic. But, it’s a cornerstone of self-development. Many fields have a “hard problem” to contend with. Medical science, for instance, sees consciousness as a “hard problem” because it’s extremely hard to reduce sentient awareness based on brain function.Continue Reading

You Attract the Energy You Give Out (Avoiding Alimony Hustlers)


Meeting other humans is a complex subject. One of the greatest mistakes men make is being unaware of their energy (which is another way of saying personality, mood, desires, and ambitions we put out to the world.) What occurs is that like-minds, obviously, attract.

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Spiritual Philosophy and Dating – Why it Matters (Bear With Me)

left path right path

For years, I’ve wondered why my love life is great in many foreign countries I’ve lived in (and some U.S. cities), to where one night out can result in a full schedule of dates for the month, and inevitably a girlfriend (or two, or three). Continue Reading

5 Ways to Stay Young and Keep Your Vitality

stay young

Getting old is optional. It’s not so much about our bodies getting a little more wrinkly, as it is our mindsets change; sometimes for the worst.

Guys having middle-age crises annoy me. It’s like they release they’ve lost their youth / vitality, and they rapidly try to make up for it in a panic, instead of simply living a life with vitality at all times.

Don’t become the guy blasting bad hip hop from his BMW when he’s 48. Instead, lead a full and complete lifestyle that keeps you feeling young from the very beginning.

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Is the No Fap Movement Something to Try? An Objective Analysis

no fapBy now, you’ve probably heard of the “No Fap” movement, which started on Reddit and has become a challenge for young men everywhere to abstain from masturbation.Continue Reading

The Terrible Temptation of Bragging

First of all, I have no idea who this is a picture of. He was on the Wikimedia creative commons page for the keyword “arrogant” and he definitely looks the part. However, I have to offer my utmost apologies to whoever this guy is who I just made into the personification of a “bragger”.Continue Reading

6 High Quality Behaviors That Men Must Try to Obtain

Let’s face it, the world is kind of a shitty place sometimes. And, the reason is largely because of the people who inhabit it. Fortunately, there’s good news: a few personality changes and philosophical reconsiderations can create a new chapter for any man; immediately creating a brighter future for everybody.Continue Reading

Getting Back into the Game: Dating Tips for Men

datingI’m convinced “game” is good for men. When people spend long hiatuses, whether from dry spells due to a work schedule, or a failed relationship that leaves one feeling depressed and unmotivated, then guys experience a lot of bad effects.Continue Reading

The Demonstration of Higher Value – A New Guide

Here’s an acronym you may have heard before: a “DHV”, or a demonstration of higher value. On the topic of seduction, this was (and continues to be) a big deal. It’s the idea of implanting certain “spikes” into your conversation to show your high-quality characteristics without directly stating them—which would be bragging.Continue Reading

Sexual Virtues: Apathy

Think about the people you know who are very successful with women, and I’ll bet they all have at least one trait in common: they are indifferent and otherwise unaffected by the women they meet. In addition, they are not emotionally invested in situations or outcomes of most varieties. These are all traits of apathy, which is a key component of success in many areas of your life. Continue Reading

How to be Honest and Authentic to Enhance Your Success

How to be honest

Maybe it’s because of a late-stage quarter-life crisis, but as I get older I find myself becoming more honest about the shit that’s wrong with my life. I’ve also discovered the therapeutic nature of coming clean about these faults, and how it seems to enhance my social confidence on a number of levels. Continue Reading

A Look at Nice Guys Who Are Really Assholes

A lot has been written about “nice guys”—from the famous Robert Glover book “No More Mr. Nice Guy” to countless lectures by top relationship coaches like David Wygant, David DeAngelo and plenty of others. The consensus is that “nice guys” are not really so nice at all and that they tend to have manipulative tendencies. Continue Reading

7 Bullshit Ideas That Hold Men Back


Uncertainty is the thing that separates an effective lifestyle from one of trepidation and inaction.Continue Reading