Archives for February 2019

Competitive Dating Could be Ruining Your Love Life

competitive dating

Most people who care about their success in life are competitive. In fact, lot of things we do are competitive in some way. Meeting women may also be a competitive sport for you, whether you’re aware of this or not.

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The Best Mindset for Meeting Women

meeting women

There’s so much pressure on the modern man when it comes to meeting women. Everybody has an opinion about it these days, and the opinions are always changing. So the question becomes: what’s working lately? Here are some thoughts.

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5 Ways to Stay Young and Keep Your Vitality

stay young

Getting old is optional. It’s not so much about our bodies getting a little more wrinkly, as it is our mindsets change; sometimes for the worst.

Guys having middle-age crises annoy me. It’s like they release they’ve lost their youth / vitality, and they rapidly try to make up for it in a panic, instead of simply living a life with vitality at all times.

Don’t become the guy blasting bad hip hop from his BMW when he’s 48. Instead, lead a full and complete lifestyle that keeps you feeling young from the very beginning.

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Is the No Fap Movement Something to Try? An Objective Analysis

no fapBy now, you’ve probably heard of the “No Fap” movement, which started on Reddit and has become a challenge for young men everywhere to abstain from masturbation.Continue Reading

Is “Game” and Pickup Artistry Hurting Men Everywhere?


If there was ever a topic I spent some time feeling conflicted about, it’s this one. On this very site, I allude to some level of the “game” paradigm; and unfortunately it’s incorporated (at least on a subtle level) in some of the Developed Man books written by myself or contributors to this site. Continue Reading

A Response to James Fell, the Good Men Project, and the Myth of the Alpha Male

good men project

Every now and then an article comes along that leaves me no choice but to hop on the saddle and write about it.

The Good Men Project is another male interest community, but this one brands itself as the anti-MRA, anti-PUA alternative for the self-described “good men” of the Internet (mmhmm…). Continue Reading

Online Dating Heralds the Apocalypse for Western Men


I’ll preface this by saying I have no affiliation with the site “Sluthate” which appears to be another misguided offshoot of “PUAHate” – which was shut down after one of their members, a guy we know named Elliot Rodger, went on a killing spree in southern California.

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The 6 Types of Oneitis

oneitis Maybe you have heard the term “Oneitis” before. This is the natural tendency to get caught up on one girl.Continue Reading

How to Develop From a Pickup Artist to a Real Seducer

pickup artist

(The following is a guest post by Sebastian at Global Seducers).

What do you think when you hear the expressions Pickup Artist and Seducer?Continue Reading

Why Chemistry is Not Sexual Attraction

sexual attraction

Many people, especially women, mistake chemistry for sexual attraction. Have you ever had a woman say to you, “We just don’t have chemistry together, sorry”? Continue Reading

The Truth About What Women Want (It’s Wladimir Klitschko)

Wladimir Klitschko

Wladimir Klitschko is a Ukrainian boxer who looks like a villain in a 90s Steven Segal action flick. There’s a lot of buzz about him lately because he recently spawned a baby with beautiful actress Hayden Panettiere.
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The Merits of the MGTOW Movement (Why Women Should Be De Prioritized)


MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) is a loosely-knit movement that certainly draws a fair amount of criticism. It concerns men withdrawing from the sexual marketplace to pursue their own lives, independent of pressure to pickup girls, get laid, or get married.Continue Reading